We are pursuing new paths to extend the attractive expression on papers of traditional KYOKARAKAMI having a history of more than one thousand years into a modern space in three dimensions through trial and error.
We have reproduced old woodblocks and produced our original woodblocks and woodblock reliefs by converting data of many traditional patterns engraved on woodblocks into data and introducing a laser beam machine. Accordingly, it became possible to produce originally-designed KARAKAMI at low cost. Our wooden decorative items in the motif of woodblocks would meet the needs of designers for creating extraordinary spaces. Etching on acrylic or glass plate in addition to wood and sliced veneer is also possible. We will further enhance our proprietary interior products carved with KARAKAMI patterns into the future.
In collaboration with designers from various industries or overseas, we are developing new patterns of woodblocks by incorporating modern art into the traditional skill. We are opening up new possibilities for KYOKARAKAMI as interior material for contemporary architecture along with changes in lifestyle.

Gentle hue of woodblock printing provides unique expression on traditional patterns, enhancing the attractiveness of KARAKAMI. We offer a broad range of products in the motif of KARAKAMI. How about introducing Japanese-style interior and sundries into your life? Custom-made items are also available.
